Thursday, February 28, 2013

On The Move

Happy Thursday everyone! Sorry I've been a little MIA this past week, but it has been crazy town around here! Last Friday we officially put our house on the market {wahoo} and on Sunday we got our first offer {yahoo}!!! Then on Monday we got another offer on our house, and on Tuesday we got an official contract on our house! So needless to say it has been a whirl wind kind of week!

I have spent the majority of this past week speed vacuuming, rushing to pick up toys, and hurrying a squirmy baby, two rowdy dogs, and my exhausted rump out the door. We had 13 showings the first, and only, week our house was on the market. That equates to 2 days with three showings, 3 days with two showings, and 1 glorious day with only one showing. Poor baby girl spent waaaay too much time in her carseat this week.
 Killing some time while waiting for people to leave our house...
 It was too cold to get out and play at the park, so we played with the dogs inside the car
{And for those of you wondering, there's only so much wandering around Target a girl can do, so yes we hung out in the car some days}
Today is our first full day at home and I'm ready to let her strecth her little legs and roam the house all she wants! I did manage to get a few pictures and videos of my love bug this week, and since that's the only interesting thing in this post, I'll just put them all up!
Petting the 'big dogs' with Debs
This sweet pea loves her animals
Debs is just so funny!
Baby laughs are just the sweetest!
God is so amazingly good for getting us through this week! We are blessed to have a house to sell, blessed that it sold in one week, and blessed that we have a place to go when we move out! Thank you Lord this week is over!!!

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