Baby jabbering has not slowed down. Although she can say 4 words; mama, dada, dog, and byebye, everything that she sees or wants gets called dada or "doug"(dog). Anytime my phone rings it's "dada" and every single animal we see is "doug doug doug!". This little girl just may grow up to be a vet because she looooves animals. I can't wait to take her to the zoo this summer!
I still have the best little eater around. If it weren't for the worst 42 minutes of my life that happened 11 months ago, I would question if this was even my child because she seems to like tomatoes! Tomatoes, olives, and bananas are the three foods that I can not handle and this kids loves two of those! We haven't tried the olives yet because I simply just don't buy them, but I wouldn't be surprised if she loved those too. Still on our regular feeding schedule; three real meals and a snack each day plus BF'ing at least 4 times. She pretty much eats whatever I make Ryan and I for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and has had scrambled eggs, ravioli, chicken and dumplings, and plenty of turkey and cheese "sandwiches".
Last month we had a little sickly one on our hands and when I took her to the doctor she was up to 16 pounds!!! It's about time! Most kids weigh that much at 6-7 months. Teeny weeny munchkin. But she's such a go-getter that she burns those calories faster than I can feed them to her.
Crawling up the stairs is a serious workout
Sleep has been a little rocky this month. Between having our house on the market and needing to leave two or three times a day, and the awful cold that snuck up on her, sleep has been hard to come by. Poor baby has had to catch too may naps in the car and that has thrown off her night time sleep. Not being able to breathe out of her nose and coughing every five seconds doesn't help either. I kept thinking with the runny nose that a little tooth would pop through, but no such luck.
Having a cold is rough on a girl
Still only have two chompers behind those sweet lips. Some of the other babies in her Sunday school class have 6 or 7 teeth! Guess we're a little behind in that area, but that doesn't bother me any. Her gummy smiles are one of the only baby-ish things she has left.
I figured we would have a walker by now, but we just have the fastest speed crawler around. She has gotten very good at standing on her own but hasn't quite figured out how to take those first steps. She got a couple new walking toys at her Debs and Nana's houses that she can push around so hopefully that will start the wheels turning in her little head.

I love to watch her sit and play. Everything she sees is so interesting to her. Anything she can open and close will keep her occupied for a while. Doors, drawers, cabinets, books...they're all favorites. She's developed a new skill, which I personally love, which is putting her toys back in the basket after she dumps them out. She will sit and pick up each toy, turn it over in her hands, and then drop it into the basket or toy box. Such a good little helper!
I am so proud of my sweet angel baby and love her more and more every day! God is so good for choosing me to be the mommy to His precious child.
I can't read your posts about Addy without thinking about how much alike our girls are! Jaqs is into all the same things, is "behind" on teeth with 4.5, and is right on the brink of walking!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that sweet baby has been struggling with a cold! That is not fun! Hopefully Spring will bring well babies :) That last picture of her is just precious! I love it! Oh, and looks like she's playing with keys...another fav around here! We get looks of horror from the little ladies at the grocery store...HA!
I'm the same way when I read your posts! In my head I'm like "yep, yep, same here, just like Addy" haha. They would have so much fun together :) I've even shown Addyson pics of Jaqs and she'll just smile so big- she's probably thinks it's herself but oh well!!
DeleteAnd keys are a must-have any time we're out. They'll keep her occupied longer than any real toy we own!
Hopefully we will be able to get them together at some point! That would be so much fun! :)